Hi There I am new NEW gardner and quite clueless about names etc Can you please identify this plant (i am sure its a very common one) I bought it two weeks ago and it was in the covered out door area of a garden shop. Two days after I bought it i watered it and that was it Now it is shedding 4 to 5 leaves a day !!! its a tiny plant about 3 inches in diameter. New leaves seem to be growing but I am not sure if its supposed to be shedding so many leaves !! What am I doing wrong -- is it too warm for it? its indoor with not much ventilation-- at about 20c. (its winter here around 1C outside and the heating on inside) is that the problem ?? Thanks Michelle
Thanks Any idea why the leaves are dropping ??? Is it meant to be outside ONLY ?? Is it too hot for it inside ?? M
Yes, it's an outside plant, though it'll be difficult to move it back outside now as the spell indoors will make it think spring has started. Try to keep it cool, but frost-free.