Please identify this wild plant

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by nikazwar, Oct 3, 2003.

  1. nikazwar

    nikazwar New Member

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    Malaysia, Selangor
    I'm living in Malaysia. Can someone identify this plant?
    I can't find this plant at shops, nurseries or any where
    except this one place only so far. I was driving slowly
    one night looking at wild plants growing by the side of the
    drain of a road and i noticed its beautiful white flowers
    and the leaves so i stopped and took back some samples.
    I have not seen this plant anywhere else since then.
    This plant needs a lot of water and can't withstand drought.
    It flowers all the time. The highest stock i have is about
    14 inches high however it doesn't have a strong stem to support itself vertically. Thx.

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  2. CcDry

    CcDry Active Member

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    East San Francisco Bay
    see if you can get a closer pic. maybe your camera, like mine, does poor macros? for closeups, i set mine to highest quality, then crop/trim to reduce file size.

    also your flash is bllowing out eh white flower's details. try setting EV to darker setting.

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