Hi: Please identify this flower. I found it in central Alberta, in a meadow real close to the mountains. Photographed in April. Looked through many flower books, but can't seem to find it. Thanks Goose I found the name. It is a Northern Gentian or Felwort (Gentianella [/U] amarella). Took over a year to find what this is. I thank the people that responed. They narrowed it down. Thanks Goose
Something in Gentianaceae - maybe Gentianella, tho' I'm not familiar as to what Gentianaceae genera occur in the PNW.
I'm not familiar with this plant first hand either, but from Hitchcock and Cronquist Flora of PNW my guess would be either Gentianella amarella web site http://www.hlasek.com/gentianella_amarella_8392.html or Gentianella tenella web site http://androsace.com/?f=Gentianaceae&g=Gentianella&s=tenella. From your picture I would tend toward Gentianella amarella. Both are circumboreal and tend to grow in alpine areas. The difference between them is that the fringe on the corolla lobes does not go all the way across the lobe in G.tenella. Harry