Aquilegia caerulea is Rocky Mountain columbine, a wild non-hybrid species with blue-and-white flowers. Perhaps it is involved as a parent in the Origami strain, but it is not correct to list Rocky Mountain columbine as a hybrid species (with an X symbol, indicating hybridity) or to give the species name of Rocky Mountain columbine for the Origami hybrid. If there has been a hybrid species name applied to the Origami columbine, it will be a different one from that used for Rocky Mountain columbine.
Another Aquilegia, Nora Barlow type Hardy geranium, perhaps? Anemone. Is this a test, or are all these flowers mysteriously appearing in your yard?
Speaking on behalf of Ken, methinks he is just looking to put some names to some of his great photographs. I believe this is the same Ken Grooms, if you'd like to enjoy more photos.
Daniel is right. I love photographing flowers but I'm quite ignorant about them (and it's a little embarrasing posting photos with titles like "Little Blue Flowers"). So please forgive my impertinence! Ken P.S. I appreciate the compliment, BTW.
Somehow missed this thread . . . on a couple that haven't been covered yet: Right-hand pic in post #1 is a Paeonia. The anemone in post #15 is Anemone coronaria. Post #21 is a species of Viola.