Hello to all, By accident I became owner of this plant without any knowledge of this species name. As I enjoy this plant very much I would like to learn more about it and I need help. Size of it as I placed regular lemon so to compare. I can just tell on top of that that it bloom with very fragile white cone shape flowers which are very small and in bunches of few. Thank you for any help.
Welcome to UBC forums. How interesting. I wonder...could it be Bucephalandra sp. From Borneo. They are used as aquatic plants...many named cultivars. However it is in Araceae so may be miles out. Bucephalandra red wavy leaf - Google Search Bucephalandra - Wikipedia
Thank you for your answer. I was going through the pictures and there are some differences. Leaves are bigger than in bucephalandra, on new growth it got hair on down side and the flowers are developing in completely different way. Maybe I can send some detailed pictures? Tell me what is needed. Btw I don't understand moving this thread to Indoor and greenhouse plants, cause I think it was taken from nature not cultivated as house nor greenhouse plant.
Moved back. Plant was being grown indoors, it wasn't stated in earlier posts that this was a transplant from an outdoor temperate climate.
Hieronim....You mention flowers. That would really help to pin it down. Would possibly rule out Bucephalandra completely. Do please add clear pics to this thread when next it has any flowers. I love that leaf..so interesting.
So good news! it got into flowering and I was able to take some pictures. I don't have macro so I was trying to do my best. I can also ad that flowers last one day then they turn brown. Sepals have hair on inner side and anthers are a bit purple.
That is a problem. Flower is around 1 cm and when I look inside, with my 12X zoom jeweller lens, I can't distinguish pistil. its like its not there or very deep inside. do you have any other advice what can be done?