This plant has been growing in my garden for 3 years, I do not know where it came from. It is woody and seems to be evergreen even here in Calgary it appears to be alive in winter. This year it flowered and I am seeking the name of it so I know more about it. Skip Crockett
It's a spindle (Euonymus). E. oxyphyllus springs to mind but I don't know if that is a correct recollection or not.
Ron, I have checked and while the flowers are similar the leaves are completly different. Thanks for trying though. Skip
That's it - Euonymus nanus turkestanica , or sometimes, E. turkestanica var. nana. I was wracking my brain to think of it; quite common in Calgary; we have one also but couldn't think of the name.
Daniel, While I believe the plant is part of Euonymus nanus turkestanica, the leaves are very different. I am going to place a couple more photos to make more clear. I have dusted it for spider mites so please do not let this mislead you. Skip