Hi all, since 19 years I'm cultivating a shrub or small tree, which grew from seeds I sampled some miles west of Mesquite, Nevada, near the Virgin River in the mid 1980's. Unlike the Mesquite this shrub is completely thornless. The seedpot was straight not twisted. Because this plant never flowered I'm clueless about its correct identification. The leafs are about 12 cm in length, the leaflets about 27 mm maximum. In spring at first there are single-feathered leafs followed by double-feathered. sorry for the bad english and greetings from europe Henry
Thank you Chris, I am pretty sure, you are right. I never expected Gleditsia in this part of Nevada (Desert) and the thornless stem and branches did the rest. In my notes from 1986 I found that the seedpod was from a parking lot near a trail to the virgin river. Perhaps someone planted the Gleditsia to give some shade? It looked like a shrub and was 3 m in height. So now I have a Gleditsia bonsai (19 years old, 1m = 3-4 feet high). Have a nice day Henry