Hi! A colleague recently rescued this plant from the bin. It has been re-potted and staked, and we have lavished some TLC on it. For its long-term care, however, it would be useful to have some specific knowledge about the plant. Can anyone tell me what it is?
Dracaena fragrans. A corn plant. It needs fast draining soil, and prefers to dry out between waterings. Make sure the soil is allowed to completely drain before you set the pot in any sort of tray, to prevent the soil from becoming water logged. You can cut it anywhere on it's "trunk" and the part you top off will root easily in some soil. The bottom part will sprout new growth. I suggest this as a way to make the plant shorter and more steady, so you don't have to stake it up.
definitely top it off! two plants for the price of one is always a good thing and with the one being free, you just can't beat that!! seriously, though, topping it will make it more managable.