There are several trees near where I live (Devon, UK), and I am puzzled by what they are. This is the first one, it must be at least 100 high, probably more like 120, but my judgement of height isnt that great. Photo 2 shows the foliage on branches dangling down from higher up. Photo 3 shows the foliage on what look like suckers up to about 2 in diameter, that appear to be growing up from the ground a few inches way from the main trunk. The photos were taken this afternoon (Jan 31st) so I am assuming its not deciduous.
Thanks, Sequoia sempervirens fits the bill. I didn’t even consider a coast redwood, I was looking at smaller species as there are two Sequoiadendron giganteum planted on the site at the same date, and they must 50% taller, with trunks twice the diameter. Also the only ones I had knowingly seen had a much more vivid orangey bark, with a less drooping habit.