Please help me identify this plant

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by annabooper, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. annabooper

    annabooper Member

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    West Tennessee
    Several years ago a friend gave me a start of a plant that she called yellow bells or yellowbells. She no longer has the plant, and can't remember what it was now. I no longer have the plant either, and I would like very much to replant it. By searching the internet, I found something which very closely resembles the plant. My plant had about 1 inch shiny or waxy bright yellow flowers. The petals (5 I think) opened up to form a small yellow cup (or bowl). They opened up in the morning as the sun came out and stayed open all day until late afternoon or evening. The plant and flowers were less than 1 foot high, and spread quickly to cover a large area. This leads me to think it might be a groundcover. It did come back each year. It seemed to spread by roots. I am having a hard time remembering what the foliage looked like, but I do know that is was not slender like a grass. The foliage was very thick, and I believe it had a gray-green color to it, but I can't be sure. After going on the internet, I found what I thought might be it. It was a ranunculus bulbosus (buttercup, St Anthony's Turnip). But, I was not sure of the foliage, and all indications is that this is a weed. My little plant surely was not a weed. It was too pretty. Did I indeed have a Ranunculus in my flowerbed, and if so, where would I find it again. I really thought that I would easily be able to find it again because this plant was something that was shared with my friend before she shared it with me. I can't imagine a weed being passed around. Now, no one seems to know what I am talking about. I hope I can find it because it made me smile inside.
  2. Christine

    Christine Member

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    North Saanich, BC
  3. annabooper

    annabooper Member

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    West Tennessee
    No, but thank you anyway. The foliage looks right, but the flower petals overlapped each other forming a cup or bowl shape.
  4. RugbyHukr

    RugbyHukr Member

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