Please help me identify this plant. My daughter started growing it at school in early June of this year (I think). They tell me it is a himalayan orchid. I have looked for images endlessly and so far haven't found anything close to what we have. I don't think I'm killing it yet, however, a few leaves are turning yellow, and the greener ones have small spots on them. There are no affids present, so I don't think (nor do I know) it is dying??I would like to keep it (whatever it is) healthy and vibrant. Can somebody help? Thanks, Jacqueb298
There are 2 different plants growing there. The one on the left with the yellow flower buds appears to be a pumpkin or squash of some sort. As for the one on the right, it could be an Orchid I suppose, I'm not familiar with them so I really can't say.
the first looks like squash or zuchini, the second reminds me of policemans helmet, a type of impatiens, glandulifera I think. certainly not an true orchid.