The story goes that my grandmother planted this around 1932 and the plant is still alive and flowering. It only flowers once a year in December. My mother transplanted a few bulbs in a pot and the attached picture is the result. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Thank you for your reply. I googled Ipheion uniflorum and found the common name - spring starflower. My Mom will be pleased to find out the name of this plant. Cheers
Structure look different to me in thie view, find another Ipheion at a nursery or public garden and hold part of yours next to their to verify.
Could be a cultivar of uniflorum called "Wisley Blue" - there is a picture in the RHS encyclopedia which looks the same colour although the description of the colour is given as lilac-blue although it looks pink to me - even in the book! Species is pale silvery blue. Leaves when crushed should smell of onions!!
Thank you very much for your identification. My Mom will be very pleased to know that her plant has a name.