I was looking for flowers to use in my wedding, and I read up on flower meanings. I discovered that ambrosias mean "mutual love/your love is returned" and I thought, that suits a wedding pretty well, with the "I do"s and all that, so I looked up "ambrosia" on google pictures, just to get some ideas of what kind of ambrosias I could pick from. This picture came up, under the heading "Autumn Ambrosia," and I completely fell in love with it - it's gorgeous! Unfortunately, well, I'm no flower expert, but this doesn't look at all like an ambrosia (though I may be wrong) ... Does anyone know what this flower really is and what it means? I would LOVE to use it because I absolutely love it, but I have no idea what it is, or whether its meaning is appropriate!!!
gleeleaf I believe it is hemerocallis autumn ambrosia commonly a day lily http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/102916/
The photo is of a daylily (Hemerocallis). If the cultivar in question has the usual daylily trait - that is, that the flower lasts one day - it may be a little difficult to work with for wedding festivities. "Ambrosia" is the food (or drink) of the gods in Greek mythology. I'm not aware of any plant that has been bestowed with that word as a common name.
However, like those of hibiscus daylily flowers will last the whole day they are open out of water and can therefore be used as decorations in a variety of locations.