Please help me identify this Cornfusedflower!

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by ninja_cat, Mar 24, 2004.

  1. ninja_cat

    ninja_cat Member

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    I bought a packet of seeds which said
    Royale Blue Cornflower on the outside showing all these pretty cornflowers
    but..... err these are the flowers that came out
    they are still pretty but... i dont think they are corn flowers?
    plsss help meee

    also... err the PINK colour one...
    sometimes when i go on trips i just collect seeds indiscriminately and...
    well.. one of them sprung from a seed that i dont ever remember collecting
    and bloomed into the pretty pink flower...
    i'd like to know what sort of flower it is too... hope someone can help me

    thank you so muchh!!!!!!

    (Thanks chris! New to this... hope all of u can see the pictures now!)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 24, 2004
  2. Chris Klapwijk

    Chris Klapwijk Active Member 10 Years

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    Black Ceek, B.C., Canada
    We still can't see the pictures.
    For help with attaching images to your message, see here
  3. Left one is gaillardia, or blanket flower. The right one is a dahlia, maybe?
  4. ninja_cat

    ninja_cat Member

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    Yes its gaillardia i think i dont know how my cornflowers became gaillardias...

    the pink one.. i saw a similar looking flower in those plant books saying its a Pink Dandelion....

    is it similar to a dahlia?

    sorry i really dunno anything abt plants.... just starting this hobby...
  5. Douglas Justice

    Douglas Justice Well-Known Member UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    The pink flower is likely Callistephus chinensis (China aster).
  6. Coreopsis tinctoria and ?

    I believe that the left image represents Coreopsis tinctoria, due to the glabrous stem. Gaillardias are noted by thick, pubescent, almost ridged stems, overall bulkier morphology. The pink one has me stymied. Can you provide a foliage shot?

    Michael Inaba
    (Hi Douglas!)

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