This tree I have in my yard blooms every June. At first I thought it was wisteria but looks more like some sort of "sweet pea" flowering tree. The new stems have little red "hairs" all over them and old branches have sparse thorns on them. Can anyone tell what this is and a little about it. Thanks, Debi
Looks like a locust. Am sure that someone else will be able to identify the exact type. Don't they look beautiful? Margaret
Seems there are a couple of choices because I don't know how true my color rendition is. LOCUST(Robinia) Black Locust, or False acacia R. pseudoacacia decaisneana (pale rose flowers) __ or, R. Idaho (deep reddish purple flowers)
Names, including an incorrect combination ('Idahoensis' and Purple Robe are two different items) being tossed out here for a tree that will be impossible to identify that precisely. Botanists do not agree on how many wild locust species there are (between 4 and 20, depending on which treatment you go with). And descriptions of garden hybrids do not fit what one finds in gardens and nurseries. Similar cultivars on the general market at the same time will of course have been garbled up by the trade, as it often does, so that walking into a nursery with a branch of yours and happening to find one for sale that is exactly the same will not establish without a doubt which particular one you have, either. Not all plant groups have been adequately sorted out and put away neatly in their drawers. This is one of them. Another set of popular flowering trees that needs work big time is serviceberries (Amelanchier). Your tree is definitely a locust (Robinia). Beyond that....
Thank you all so very much. She is such a beautiful tree that I just had to know what she was. :=) Debi