i think its a type of voodoo lily but i cant find any type of voodoo lilly that looks quite like this. the bulb looks like a voodoo lilly bulb, and the flowers are similar, but all the ones ive seen in google images dont have leaves like this plant, and when it blooms it smells like poop. it sprouts in early march, and sends out its big leaves, and then it blooms and the bloom lasts about 2-3 days before it starts to die and when the flower is all dried up all the leaves fall to the ground and start to die and wither until they are completely dead. it blooms just once a year every year we have lived at this house. i need the exact name to know how to care for it because its growing in full shade very close to a tree and i want to relocate it and i need to know how to care for it. heres a picture below of the plant in bloom.
http://www.hillkeep.ca/bulbs arum.htm http://www.telosrarebulbs.com/Arums.html Arum palaestinum perhaps? Have a look at these Arums. HTH Chris
it is definately in the arum family, but none of those arums look like mine. some are close, but the leaves or flowers arnt the same. my flower on my arum never droops back till the flower dies, and the leaves on mine are diffrent. i dont know if its because it may be an older matured arum, as the bulb when seperated was bigger than both my fists, but none of those are a match. and i have found none like mine on any other site. i took a picture to 4 nurseries and there were some with close flowers or close leaves, but it was like the leaves either matched and the flowers didnt, or the flowers were similar but the leaves wernt. i cant seem to find any info on this stubborn plant, and the previous owner of the house doesnt remember the name. she said she braught it home from a trip nearly 12 years ago.
i think judging by the leaves that it may be an Arum palaestinum or something close to it, what do u guys think? this is the link i found http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/files/Arum/Arum_palaestinum262_sah.jpg
i know thats the problem im having. ronda said she brought the plant back from europe on a trio, same with the lords-and-ladies, but i dont think this plant in question is orogionaly from europe. and yes with dracunculus, the flowers edges are wavy, where mine are solidand consistent. and yes the leaves are wrong.
Of course if all you need to know is how to care for it, you need only replicate the amount of shade, and probably quite good drainage, that you have it in now.