L: Possibly an Aster modestus variant without rays, if somebody else doesn't come up with something better (there are very many species of composites). R: Compare with Sagina procumbens. This is a common weed in Seattle area, but there are other species in region also.
Aster Modestus, Giant mountain aster looks to be right on. Segina Procumbens, Birdeye pearlwort seems close probably your right. Thank you I'm learning.
Maybe a fleabane? Lot of Erigerons, but I'll take a stab at perhaps Erigeron acris or E. lonchophyllus because of the relatively upright small rays? Harry
Wouldn't surprise me, I had thought maybe the disks were more like those of fleabanes right from the start. Aster modestus was just something to possibly fall back on.