I would be very grateful if the flowers in the pictures can be isentified. In both cases, the individual flowers are quite small. The wasp in the one picture gives an idea of scale. Thank You
Hello Jose, Did the plant on the left have thorns along the stem? It reminds me of Euphorbia milii, aka crown of thorns. See: Euphorbia milii from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Euphorbia milii from the University of Vermont.
Greetings Daniel, Thanks for the reply. Yes the plant you mentionned has the thorns. I attach photos of the two plants whose flowers I wanted to ID. Guess I should have done that in the first place. Will do in future.
Thanks mplant. Thanks for the scientific name. After some research on the web, I can confirm it is from comparison of photos etc.. Common name given as Star Cluster or Egyptian Star Cluster.