Hi, I am not having any luck identifying these: PHOTOS 1 & 2: Until about a month ago, I never noticed this vine on our property, therefore I cannot comment on habits, flowers (if any), etc. Might anyone recognize it from the photo? PHOTOS 3, 4 & 5: I had this creeping vine show up at various spots at lawn/forest edge. I transplanted it a couple years ago to an area near our road and it is making a beautiful ground cover. However, this year it produced a plethora of seeds, and I am wondering if I should be encouraging it ... Seeds are triangular shaped. Leaves are opposite, slightly serrated, and slightly fuzzy. Stems have small hairs. Tiny purple flowers on stalks are violet like. Just finished flowering, Zone 4/5 in NH. Any help greatly appreciated!
Might anyone know what the second plant might be? It's a slow-growing vine of some sort. I believe it is wild, but I could be mistaken as it first popped up under our hydrangea from a local nursery a few years ago. I spread it to other areas on our property, but it made a ton of seeds this year. Thank you in advance for any insight!