Some pictures of the plants in my garden. Just moved in to our house and I'm not too sure what has been planted. The 3rd pic...this one has ants always on it. The last 2 pics are from the same shrub. Thank you in advance for your help :)
#3 - Japanese Knotweed (invasive weed, get rid of it!!) #4 - an iris (large flat stems and leaves), and maybe bluebells (small groups of darker leaves between the iris stems)
No. 1 Bergenia (Elephant's Ears) - not sure what type. No. 2 very early to tell but I suspect it's a hosta.
Bleh! Knotweed, there has been alot of talk lately about it... be careful with it! Try a [SEARCH]knotweed[/SEARCH] search of the forums!
#1 Elephants ear, #2 Hosta, #3 Weed (you can see so many in the park), #4 Iris, #5 Forsythia (yellow) and Quince (red), #6 Quince.
You could well be right Michael, although I have heard Bergenia referred to as Elephant's Ears. That's the problem with common names. I much prefer to use Latin names myself but they can be a bit daunting to new gardeners.
I've never heard of Loxodonta but I have seen "elephant ear" attached to Bergenia many times.
I'd never heard of Loxodonta either. Now I've Googled it and see the joke. Amazing what a difference smilies can make (when they're available). <smile>
If that's the scientific name for African elephant then that last would be a common name for it, and not elephant's ears. We don't call ourselves human's ears either.
Thank you so much everyone for the help! :) I've already removed the knotweed and will keep checking back on it as from what I read it will come back.
Well, in my book an "Elephant Ear" could be any of 4000 to 5000 species! Read this: