Hi - I saw a nice climbing plant on a rock wall while out walking the dog and would like to know what it is so I can grow it on my wall. It has small green leaves about the size of a dime which have 5 points, somewhat like an ivy leaf or a maple leaf. The flowers look like miniature snapdragons, they are light purple with a bit of white and yellow and are about 0.75cm long and 0.5cm across, each one. The stems are round and a little bit reddish. Any ideas? Thanks!
Sorry I would have liked to, but don't have access to a camera for today... hoping someone might find the description to be enough
Cymbalaria muralis is called Ivy-leaved Toadflax here, which is pretty much a condensed version of what Dogfish wrote. Don't recognise the red stems, though, and it's raining far too hard to go and look.