Hi Everyone, Can anyone identify these 4 species? The pictures were taken on Burnaby Mountain. Picture 1: Could this be a young red alder (alnus rubra)? Picture 2: Are these white/translucent stringy things from some kind of moss? There are little brown balls at the end of the white strings. Picture 3: Unknown plant. Picture 4: Could this be Oak fern (gymnocarpium dryopteris) or Western oak fern (gymnocarpium disjunctum) ? Thank you very much, Jason
#1 certainly looks like an alder seedling; which species of Alnus, I can't tell. #3 is a dock, likely Broad-leaved Dock Rumex obtusifolius.
That was my first thought too, but something didn't seem completely right for it, so I left it unanswered in my first posting.