That's funny (or pathetic). I was there today and wondered what that tree was, remembered seeing it before but figured I'd have to look through all my photos to find it, since there is no tag. Here's a more direct link to the Conocarpus photos. I didn't recognize it at all from the leaves and flowers, since it was the habit and the bark that impressed me.
I'm not seeing Cryptostegia being anything but a vine, and this does not look very liana-like. The petals look more rounded than what I'm seeing for that as well. What about Allamanda, maybe Allamanda violacea? It's confusing that the common name "Purple allamanda" is a Cryptostegia.
Allamanda blanchetii (A. violacea) has flowers with a long corolla tube, unlike the plant pictured here. Cryptostegia is a vine but a shrubby one and so it can grow into a shrub-like form (as pictured here). Petal roundness is also a variable factor in Cryptostegia. Then again, Cryptostegia has bark with conspicuous lenticels which are clearly visible on the photos above. Check lenticels of Cryptostegia here at the center (bottom): Petals are not necessariliy pointed: Cryptostegia having the common name of "purple allamanda" is indeed very confusing however.
Thanks for mentioning the features to look for, Alex. Could you confirm that the attached photo is Allamanda blanchetii? I can see that the flower buds are fatter, and the fruits, if there were any, would look different.
I also agree that second plant is a Cryptostegia, perhaps C. madagascariensis. Third plant seems to be Moringa oleifera.