Anemone x hybrida or relation Digitalis purpurea Symphytum Choisya ternata Sambucus nigra 'Marginata' Have seen but don't remember
Not sure how the numbering is working here. In the first picture the stalk in the middle is Digitalis; the stuff surrounding it is Anemone. Ron has named both, but not specified which picture.
Rons going from left to right top row, then picture on its own, then bottom 2 looks a bit like a Verbena, a big leaved bonariensis? The Symphytum looks like a Symphytum uplandicum.
Thanks for the help. The plant in the last two pictures (bottom) does not flower and gets to be about 7 feet tall. It is a perennial. Any other suggestions? Jo
Any ideas on the last one (even in a broad sense) that would help me narrow down my search? Thanks! Jo