Planting satomi dogwood - please advise

Discussion in 'Cornus (dogwoods)' started by Julie Pr, May 30, 2009.

  1. Julie Pr

    Julie Pr Member

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    Birch Bay, US
    Tomorrow we're picking up a 5' cornus kousa satomi (with pink flowers) from a local nursery. After reading some of the old posts here, I'm concerned as to whether or not it'll make it. I'm sure the nursery will give us instructions for planting, watering & fertilizing, but I'd like advice from anyone here who has experience with these trees. I've learned from some posts that fall planting is better than spring, but it's too late now - we've already paid for it. Can anyone advise on the best way to make this tree grow and bloom EVERY year - i.e., maintain a HEALTHY tree? Thanks!
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Garden centers don't have nearly the selection in fall as in spring, so you are effectively stuck with spring planting anyway.

    The main problem you may encounter with this variety is its susceptibility to anthracnose. White Kousa do not have this problem, reportedly there is a genetic link between pink bracts and anthracnose vulnerability in Kousa.

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