Hi there: Please help me identify this gorgeous vine. Flowers are a orange and trumpet shaped and about 2 inches long. I have attached photos for viewing. I am in zone 5b and this vine was huge so obviously very hardy What would be the best way to propagate at this time of the year??? Thanks Deb
Trumpet Vine, Campsis radicans. From Wikipedia: "The vigor of the trumpet vine should not be underestimated. In warm weather, it puts out huge numbers of tendrils that grab onto every available surface, and eventually expand into heavy woody stems several centimeters in diameter. It grows well on arbors, fences, telephone poles, and trees, although it may dismember them in the process. Ruthless pruning is recommended. Outside of its native range this species has the potential to be highly invasive, even as far north as New England. The trumpet vine thrives in many places in southern Canada as well." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campsis_radicans See Ontariogal's comment. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/644/