ok i have a citris fruit plant of some sort(planted the seeds but can't remember whatit was from, possibly grapefruit) any way it has sat out side all summer and looks lovely. well two plants that look very much liek a citris have grown up on either side in the pot. i kinda remember planting seeds in there but can't remember what they were.,. they aren't citris though the leaves look very much the same (a bit larger) and they gare growing liek a vine wiht tendril.. will post pics very soon... the seeds planted are from somethign i bought inthe grocery store but have no idea what it could be. we buy weird fruit now and then and it is fun to see if teh seeds will grow.. there is something to be said fro plant tags!!!! thanks
nope i don't think so . we didn't buy any passion fruit from the store. pretty sure about that. gotta be something else.
Could be a lot of things. Best to wait until it blooms before trying to ID it. It appears to be a vine, something that citrus aren't.