Can anyone tell me what a heliotropium{europaeum} looks like. I live in Kelowna, British Columbia and my dog Tesse' has elevated liver enzymes ( she is a westhighland white terrier) which can cause he to have coppertoxicity. If this plant is the one in my yard ;she has been eating for a while It may be the cause. Please help us if U can. A picture would be wonderful. This tightly bound little plant with tightly woven scalloped edged leaves is blooming right now and has purple flowers; kind of tubular. (very small)I don't know if it is a weed or not But I love it and have lots in my flowerbeds.:( any help would be so appreciated :) Thanks in advance Bob and Michelle :) and Tesse' We are going to post a picture to help Identify the plant we do have in the yard which is suspect.
How to attach images, if you need help. And my suggestion, for this time of year, would be something like Pulmonaria.
Re: Plant in yard We have added a pic of the plant we suspect has caused problems for our pet to our first post above...thanks again for any help/replies.... Bob and Michelle - and Tessa ---- Kelowna, BC
It is a Viola sp.. commonly called violet This link shows it as safe for cats.
Looks like your dog found the plant while looking for a cure. Viola odorata has medicinal properties. If I were you I would rather look for the possible cause of your dog health problems in his food. Also, I would never use any kind of pesticides or herbicides in my yard, because they can be harmful, too.
Thanks again to everyone -- this is quite the site, will keep hanging out here for our gardening, back yard interests! Just as an update the issue of toxic plants has pretty much been eliminated by our new vet. Turns out our dog had a chipped tooth that has an abscess that was missed by the other vet... we're not to happy to say the least as, if it would have been caught earlier it would not have been so critical. Now we are familiar with violas which add to the rear yard nicely. Cheers - Bob and Michelle --- Kelowna.
Just an update on our dog Tesse, our westhighland white terrier. She is doing great had her surgery and for 12 1/2 yrs old she is wonderful. Had 3 teeth extracted; after she was healthy enough to have her surgery. Its been a long haul..........for all of us. We are truly blessed; to have more time with her. Ty all who helped us out ^-^ Marleyrae and Bob in Kelowna BC
Glad to know that Tessa survived surgery and is now well. That absess must have been so painful. Nasty. Wessies are so cute. They make wonderful pets.
Just an update. Our dog Tessa is going to be 13 on February 14th and we were given some special extra time with her. Yes, its been costly; But she is the best!! ; Ty all for concern and help! can't wait for gardening time here in Kelowna Lots of good sniffs ^-^ ;)