We have bean given a new plant but the person who gave it to us did not know it,s name and I don,t either. Can anyone out there tell us what it is.It growes to about one metre high
Just a suggestion...Lobelia laxiflora. Common name Mexican lobelia. See..... http://www.calfloranursery.com/images/pics/i_j_k_l/lobelia_laxifolora.jpg
Could also be Centropogon of some sort; if it was wild-collected rather than a nursery plant that would be more likely. Definitely a member of the Lobelia family, though.
Hi Liz ,it spread through the fence into the neighbours back yard, they have since moved, so I can,t say if was from a plant nursery. It is not native to Tasmania Though. Thanks for that information. I will check that out. It looks like we are looking at a Lobelia, thanks for that.
It is definitly Lobelia Laxiflora. Luddite@ Machen gave me a web site which has the picture of the plant.