Hi friends! Long time since I have posted here but I need your guys help I'Ding a plant for a family member of mine. This is a outdoor plant she had purchased years ago. Growing outside in Newfoundland Canada. Can you guys give me a name on this beauty? Many thanks!! Lee
Oh no...another name change. Eupatorium used to be the name...now apparently it is Eutrochium! Thanks Sundrop.
Shame. Always thought Eupatorium was one of the best expletives in botany . . . ever wanted to say to someone, "You Patorium!"?? :-)
Well, for that, You Trochium! isn't bad, but I agree that Eupatorium was a perfectly good name, mostly because every now and then I could remember it if not actually connect it to the plant. Did something else get that name?
I can answer that! The white-flowered ones kept the name. I discovered that doing a little research for this thread: Appreciation: - Eutrochium fistulosum in community garden.