For my birthday I was given a tropical arrangement of flowers. One of the items was a shiny, bright yellow, almost squash-like looking thing on a woody stock (no leaves attached). It eventually shrivelled up so I opened it up, took the little black seeds out & over-wintered them. This spring I started some of the seeds & voila, I have 4 seedlings that are doing very well. I have searched & searched the net looking for tropical bouquets that may have this as part of the arrangement & no luck. Any ideas? I am trying to find out exactly where the arrangement came from (in Vancouver somewhere) in hopes they can tell me what this was, but for now I thought someone might have an idea. I took a pic of the bouquet & wouldn't you know it, this particular object can't be seen! Thanks a bunch
could it have been an ornamental gourd of some sort? What time of year was it, some of the florist items are seasonal.
Could it be Solanum mammosum, Nipple Fruit? They're often sold by the florist on Granville Island. The curious looking fruits are poisonous.
I bet Junglekeeper is right. I have seen these fruits used in arrangements. I was thinking mammo- something but could not remember the name. Here is an image:
Thanks, Folks, The photo of solanum mammosum confirmed the ID of the curious shrubs I saw in Jamaica. I'm assuming the fruit was named by a man who was weaned too early. Being female, I thought the nubs on the fruits made them look more like cute little giraffes' heads or inflated yellow rubber gloves rather than pouches with clusters of nipples.