Can anyone id these for me please? I bought them at the nursery here in Grenada and lost the bill, so I'm lost for names of course. On picture #2 I'm trying to ID the large leafed one on top (palm to the left is a Manilla). On #3 I'm after the different fern varieties and the large leafed one at the top of the picture. It's similar to #2 but not the same. Thanks for any help with this folks!
#1 looks like a young Cordilyne, maybe C. frucitosa. #3 - the large-leafed one is an Aroid, possibly a Philodendron of some description. Can you take a clear picture of where it comes out of the ground and where the leaf attaches to the petiole? That will greatly help IDing it. Sorry, no clue on the ferns.
Pretty sure #1 is a red leafed Crinum Lily. HTH Chris
You're absolutely right Saltcedar. That's the one, I recognize the flowers. I didn't think it matched the Cordyline very well but forgot to post about that. Thanks again everybody!
Just a tad over three weeks later, here's the picture Lorax. Still not a good shot of where it comes out of the ground but you can see how the petiole attaches and how the aerial roots sucker right to the wall. It's in full shade, growing fairly slowly (2' in the rainy season) compared to the devil's ivy that's got leaves that are 2' long and has reached about 7' in a few months.