Hi, I would be really grateful if someone could advise what the plant in the attached photo is? The plant is growing in my father-in-laws garden in Italy, but could be from the UK (he took a number of plants with him when he retired back to Italy from the UK). If possible to identify, could you please advise if it safe to consume. My farther-in-law is talking about adding the berries to his home grown wine to improve the colour! Thank you in advance! Stuart.
Ditto to Phytolacca americana. The smooth berries distinguish it from the other Phytolacca naturalised in Europe (P. acinosa, which has ribbed berries). Do NOT add the berries to wine, they're poisonous!
Hi, thanks all for the id (and advice!). I looked up Phytolacca americana on Wiki and it is an exact match. Thanks again. Very best wishes. Stuart.