Hello Can someone please help me identify this shrub. I have two varities in my backgarden, one that flowers red and one yellow, main flowering period is june,july,august. It's an evergreen and a vigorous grower spreading out via underground runners. I'd like to know if it can tolerate some shade, as I have to relocate both plants this fall. thanks
Phygelius Your plants are Phygelius. It is a small genus of two species, however, most garden specimens are hybrids between the two. Phygelius x rectus ‘African Queen’ is very likely your red flowered one, while Phygelius x rectus ‘Moonraker’ is a strong possibility for your yellow flowered one. These plants are native to the Cape region of South Africa and may require some winter protection. Hope this helps
phygelius id thanks for the help that was a quick response. Now I know what it is I can research further. It seems to survive the winter here fine, though winters have been mild for many a year now. cheers