Hi, I would really like to know what this could be, I even have no clue of its family, so wouldn't know where to start searching. It popped up in a plant container where I have an offset of an Anthrurium growing that was send to me from a friend's garden in Paraty, Brazil, after I came back from my trip. I recognized it as a small plant that popped up in several places in my friend's garden in Brazil, especially in her lawn. The plants growing were not taller than 25-30cm, my self-set in the pot is about 25cm now, I have the impression that could be around its mature size. The flowers are very tiny (1-2mm), the leaves feel tender to the touch and very thin, they measure only 5-7mm. The pictures are from my self-set in the pot and taken with a macrolens
A species of Phyllanthus, possibly Phyllanthus amarus - but there are several other species of similar appearance, widespread weedy plants of tropical regions.