This flower arrived in a commerical bouquet ordered and delivered in Victoria on Vancouver Island. I wouldn't normally bother the experts here with this, but I'm getting my arm twisted pretty hard by those who want them in their garden :-) Thanks a lot to anyone who can throw me a hint, Terry
Probably off base here but I wonder if the flower has been artificially coloured? There seems to be an increase in this in cut flowers and something about this flower makes me wonder. If this is not the case I would like to grow some in my garden so look forward to reading more posts. Margaret
The experts are here to be answering questions like this, so no worries about that. But have you tried phoning the florist? And you could ask about the colouring.
I agree. Asking the florist is the most sensible response, but in this case it's a big office, and no-one knew who the florist was. The bloom you see in my original post was plucked off the floor by my co-worker who then asked me what I knew.