You're telling me. I have used both, but this one stumps me. I only have the photo to go by. I believe it is a Symphyotrichum.
Aster amellus is European and Asian. What part of central Missouri? Any of these counties? There are relatively few species with the nearly-clasping stem leaves, but I've not been able to find a perfect match. I like Symphyotrichum puniceum (syn. Aster firmus) as a possibility, but not everything matches.
Macon County, a bit further north (north of the Missouri River). I was leaning towards Symphyotrichum lanceolatum. It has median and upper stem leaves that are "sessile, the base sometimes slightly expanded but not clasping the stem." I have pressed the sample in the photograph, but do not have access to it at the moment. I appreciate everyone's responses.