All six of these photos are from Pictograph State Park in southeastern Montana. All are taken in July. All were from an extremely dry region with no visible source of moisture. The photos here uploaded out of order. I am referring to them by their preface numbers (001, 002, etc.) Sorry for any confusion. The plant in photos 001 and 002 are the same plant. I think it might be some sort of sage, but I really don't know. The plants in photo 003 are both unidentified. I would like to know, if possible, what plant the berries belong to as well as the surrounding white flowers. The flower in photo 004 may have been near some sort of water source as the ground around it was green. I am not sure if that matters. The plants shown in photos 005 and 006 are the same plant. Thank you for any help you can give.
Could you please indicate which species of Monarda, etc.? For instance, is this Monarda fistulosa? I would appreciate it if you knew.
Monarda fistulosa, yep. I believe the other ones are: Rhus trilobata Verbascum thapsus Clematis ligusticifolia - well, probably.
Thank you. Verbascum thapsus is probably right. As for Clematis vitalba, I really don't know enough and it is a fairly bad photo, but to me it doesn't seem feathery enough in the flower (and I didn't know it grew in Montana). Any other ideas or are you pretty sure of this?
I wanted to write Clematis ligusticifolia, I edited my post instantly but you were faster. :) It still might not be correct as there are quite a few Clematis species with these kind of flowers and the leaves are a bit hard to see in your photo.
The rabbitbrush/sage looking plant here was identified above as Chrysothamnus. I noticed some yellow flowers at the edges, but there weren't many flowers and they weren't on top (which is what I associate with rabbitbrush which is I think Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus). Is this Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus?