Hello all, I am new and have searched and searched for the name of this plant. It has not bloomed so I am not sure how to indentify it. My neighbor has no idea, and doing a search for a plant with big green leaves that have white tips, just didn't turn up any ideas. Anyone out there with any idea as to what this could be? Ooops forgot... it looks like a hosta but is not.
Variegated Hydrangea macrophylla cultivar that has been cut back severely and is also reverting to green.
Thank you Ron for responding. My neighbor said he bought it at Home Depot this year. Also we had one of the hottest summers, with little rain. He has a large hydrangea in front of these 2 varigated ones that also didnt bloom this year. Now at least I know what to look for.. Thank you ever so much.
Actually I loved the plant, as is. I sort of thought it looked like the leaves of a hydrangea, but never saw a varigated one. I have tried a few times to grow them, had great luck with lace cap ones, but never the big beautiful blooms. But my neighbors get the blooms so it must be my location/sun/etc. Thanks again for the reply
You might be interested in this. http://endlesssummerblooms.com/en/consumer/plants/theoriginal/description
Very beautiful plant Ron. Actually I think that is the one I planted last summer in my front yard. It gets morning sun and then shade the rest of the day. I bought it in bloom... very very large pink blooms and they bloomed forever it seems. It is planted in a large raised planter box close to the house under my window. Because of it's location and I didn't want it to grow HUGE, I pruned it this past spring, so I probably cut off all the buds for this year. Because I didn't get any blooms this year, I didn't know when to prune it for next year. I read last week to prune it when the blossoms fade, but not in late summer or fall. But with this hydrangea it blooms for so long, I have no real clue when to do it.