Snapped some shots of plants and wildlife at Southaven Park (NY) nearby. Just wondering if anyone could ID the separate species etc. of Pines, and a couple other plants. Thanks. First 3 are pines or spruce (Sorry for them being sideways). Fifth is some sort of Ilex, just wondering which. The 6th picture, I'm wondering what this buldge is between branches, it was all over the plant, is it a fungus or specific to that type of plant? :)
I'll leave the plants to more knowledgeable folk... but the headshot is a mute swan (with Canada goose in background)...
No wonder it's not saying anything. The spruce looks like a Norway spruce, the next one is an eastern white pine. The one at the front of the group of trunks appears to be another example. Try the rhododendron again (near the building) when in flower. The berries are those of American holly. The gouty stick belongs to a willow or poplar (same family), the stickerbush is a rose.
#7 is not a rose; not sure what it is though. #8, as well as a Mute Swan and Canada Goose, also has a farmyard domestic goose (white one behind the swan's neck) and several Ring-billed Gulls.
My first thought for the thorny thing was Smilax, I should've stayed with that. Looks like the tentacles are part of it, that would also explain why the thorns aren't characteristic for a rose.