11 July 2007 Pictures. The images are numbered for reference. Common names for these various flowers is obscure to say the least. Thr flowers are all from opium poppies. The only reasonable description is describing the colour and petal to some degree plus the colour of the basal cross. Common names if such exist would be helpful for classification. The pods with few exceptions ( Hen and Chickens) are all the same. It is impossible to determine identify a plant, as to flower type separately, after the flowers have disappeared. The vegetation is identical on all types. If you have a name for any image- please post.
Compare 200...iferum ( Opium Poppies)/HTML/dsc_3671_std.jpg with 'Danish Flag'.
The white flower with purple cross in the center could be a tazmanian, giganthemum or a hens & chicks. Note that hens & chicks with that color flower do not always have chicks around the pod but come from the same seed stock. Both the red and white fluffy ones are a Papaver Somniferum Paeoniflorum. White Peony and Red Peony. The pink with white center looks like an Afghan Red with white center is danish flag The purple with black center could be one of many. Could a Persian Blue, Hungarian Blue, or a Papaver Somniferum Giganthemum or even a Papaver Somniferum var. Setigerum.
I am not familiar with this named variety. Where did this name, Sparrowhawk, come from? It would appear from your description that this is a red peony form poppy. Is this correct?