For the past 5 years, after holidays the plants were thrown out in the yard. Some took and are growing well, like Lilies, some of these pictures are probably weeds. Please identify them for me so I don't get rid of plants that would be desirable to have in the garden. Thank you in advance.
#1 Wild Violet, Viola sp. #2 Persicaria #3 Salvia sp.? #4 #5 Ground Ivy Glechoma hederacea #6 Chickweed Stellaria media
Thank you for the reply. Now, the next question is: friend or foe? I see that #4 is still unidentified. Is there any other information I can give that will help? It made it through a New England winter. Its leaves are glossier than the ground ivy leaves. It drinks a lot of water. I don't think we have a match for #3. There are no flowers for this plant and the leaves are fuzzy. Salvia seems to have non-fuzzy leaves and flowers. (?) Maybe I can get a better picture. I plan to dig them up and plant a garden. I was just wondering if there is anything there that I would want to leave in.
Also, after reading more about #5, I am planning on pulling some up and making a tea. I seem to have caught a bad cold this week, and wiki says that this plant was used to treat all of the symptoms I have. Cool!