Thank you for previous help with id. Now I have 2 another ones, picked up near the firsts. Now, I can't suppose what they are.....maybe your help ?
1. Lonicera sp..a Honeysuckle. Possibly Lonicera tatarica. . 2. Crataegus sp
I'm very curious what Lonicera is, because never saw like this pale pink flowers ! Only with bright red ones. Maybe we are wrong...
I think they are indeed Lonicera tatarica but 2 different variety, saw by mine possible 'Hack's Red'..
Lonicera tatarica "Hacks Red" is a specially selected cultivar.....named as such because the flowers are a deep red. Your flowers are very pale pink!;600;400
I think leonardus meant that prior to this, he had never come across pale pink forms of L. tatarica, only darker, reddish ones that he believes to be the cultivar 'Hack's Red' upon research. There are more (common) cultivars with deep purplish red flowers though (e.g. 'Arnold Red').