Hi everyone, I recieved this plant from a neighbor 3 years ago. I dies back in the winter to nothing above ground. It comes back every year even after a hard frost. The Flowers almost look like a miniture orchid. Can anyone identify this plant for me? Thank you, Liz
I sure hope it will look like this when it gets bigger. I looked at Dave's garden and this is what I found for nun's orchid. http://davesgarden.com/pf/showimage/66692/
Hi Tony, Yes i think that is what it is. I found a nice image of it at Dave's Garden. Looks a bit whiter than mine. But shape is the same. http://davesgarden.com/pf/showimage/41336/ Thanks so much. Liz
Certainly bletilla. And yes, reliably hardy, even up north...it might like your hot summers better than our cool ones, coming from eastern Asia. The clumps just keep getter bigger, and nicer each year...too bad the flowers only last a short while!
Yes I noticed that it gets bigger each year. It was just a puny little plant 3 years ago. I had 3 flowers on it this year, maybe next year more. Thanks. Liz