Good day, I am having some trouble properly identifying some orchid photos I took. If anyone would be kind enough to help me, I need to determine which exact genera and specie the following plants are. Here are the photos and my guesses: Pink Vanda --This is a Vanda, but I can't identify the exact species. For all I know it might be a hybrid, although the guide told me it was a "Veltium". Dendrobium --A Dendrobium. IIRC the guide told me it was just a common Dendrobium, hence Dendrobium sp. Golden Yellow Malorie --We were told that this was the name of this flower, but I couldn't find it anywhere on Google. Either it's some sort of Cattleya or Vanda hybrid, or another species altogether. Purple Vanda with Spots --Apparently this flower is also a Vanda, but the species escapes me. Cattleya --A beautiful white Cattleya with a bright red lip. I tried looking for the species on Orchid Images, but I couldn't find any similar flowers. Phalaenopsis --We picked up quite a bit of Phals, and this is one of them. I can't identify this flower, though; perhaps Phalaenopsis philippinense? Butterfly Orchid --Another Phal. I've read that they're called "Moth Orchids", but I do know that the Butterfly Orchid from Florida is a different stripe altogether. Perhaps another philippinense? Your help would be greatly appreciated. If possible I need the common/scientific names ASAP as these photos are required for a project due this week. Thank you for your time and concern, and I apologize if I have caused any inconvenience. God bless, Mach
I know next to nothing about orchids. But I found the following two sites that might help in your search. Vortex's Orchids that has pictures that compare pretty closely to some of yours. Also Internet Orchid Photo Encyclopedia might be of some help. Harry