I have been growing a small Penstemon for a few years. I photographed it and researched it and can't seem to put my finger on an i.d. Notice the background leaves are narrow and although it can't be seen, they are somewhat serrate. Anyone?
check out this plant- Yours looks like it to me - Rehmannia angulata aka Chinese Foxglove . Not a penstemmon but has a similar shaped bloom. Here is a link to a yahoo image page..... http://ca.search.yahoo.com/search/i...b-t340&toggle=1&ei=UTF-8&meta=vl=&fr2=tab-web Heather
Hi Heather, No, thanks but thats not it. I've grown various Rehmannia and know well the one you speak of. I love that plant, but this is definitely a Penstemon. It's about 30 cm/1' tall.