Guessing this is a Rhododendron that we found in the coastal Oaxacan mountains, approx 5000ft elevation January 2009. Anyone know what species?
I don't know either. The closest Rhododendron I know is Rhododendron nudiflorum, but I don't think the region is right.
Maybe these photos will help. and
In other words same family, different genus. Mexico is not rhododendron territory. Western Azalea has long been said to grow as far south as Baja but something I read on the internet seemed to indicate there might be some question about that. Since other elements of the eastern US flora extend down into NE Mexico it would seem that a few of the Rhododendron species might also - or there might be related species. But I don't remember seeing anything about it.
Yes, still in the Ericaceae family, along with the Monotropa species interestingly. The Bejaria sp. seem to extend from Mexico down into South America.
Excellent ! Thank you for your help. I realize Mexico is not Rhododendron country which is why we were so surprised to find this in Oaxaca. We were pretty certain it was Ericaceae, but being just amateur northern plant geeks, Bejaria was a genus unfamiliar to us. Any thoughts on that Araliaceae thing I also posted? Possibly a Schefflera, Silver Surfer suggested? If so which of the 1000 or so species might it be? I find Araliaceae to be very difficult at times.