My friend has this plant in her backyard/patio area. She lives in Spokane and she has said that it's been taken out several times, but it grows back every time, no watering, nothing. A friend of hers said that this plant will grow little flowers and then berries. Not positive about that. We would like to know what it is. Is it noxious and how would you get rid of it if it is? Thank you for the help!(I do have permission to use these photos)
Looks like Sambucus, probably S. nigra, canadensis, or cerulea, also known as Elderberry or Elder. These species have blue/black berries. The flowers and berries are very edible; however, the leaves, root and bark are toxic if eaten. Another species with red berries, S. racemosa, isn't considered edible because of the toxins in its seeds.