Found these flowers in west central Alberta not far from the mountains. There were white ones and blue ones. Both had the same leave type and flower shape, so I think it is the same plant. I have only seen these in one place near a river growing underneath some spruce trees. Looking for the common name as well as the real name. Thanks Goose
They appear to be Geraniums, either G. richardsonii or G. viscosissimum. Both species are native to Alberta according to E.H. Moss (Flora of Alberta). The second row of petals does seem unusual though, it might just be a distinctive population. Joe
It's the only place I've seen it so I'll leave it as a planted flower and not an Alberta wild flower, unless I see it growing somewhere else. Thanks for you help Goose
Possibly Geranium pratense; don't think you will find it matching the native species, but I haven't checked.