Can anyone help identify this? I thought it was a jade plant when I first bought it (I know pretty much nothing about plants), but now, after looking up jade plants online, I'm not so sure. The leaves seem different as well as the flowers (which I read in these forums are pretty uncommon, and when do appear are white. My flowers look like they'll be red.) I'm sorry I know so little about plants. I'm only just beginning! Thank you so much for your help. -Chris
Leaves look like Kalanchoe blossfeldiana common name kalanchoe, but not certain. Look at this link to a google image search for Kalanchoe blossfeldiana for comparison. Harry
Thank you, Harry. The pictures do look quite similar, and a further search with descriptions seemed to apply to my plant as well. To probably show my ignorance of plants, I didn't even realize it was a flowering plant until it started budding last week-- I was more interested in its interesting "rubbery" leaves. --Chris